Some weeks come to an end and I feel like I've spent close to zero cash on "unnecessary" items...some weeks I feel like I've spent all my money on all the things. This week, it's the latter. Joy.

This weekend I spent a pretty penny in heaven (Target) and I am still suffering from PTSD (Post Target Stress Disorientation). On the plus side, I have officially discovered the Cartwheel app, and my apartment is nearly finished. Just a few more final touches, and it'll be blog ready!
Aside from apartment purchases, I made a few beauty purchases this week that I'm pretty excited about, so I've decided to share.
1) Yes, friends, I am aware that I am a 23 year old nonsmoker, thus I have quite a bit of time before I age. However, I've heard through the grapevine that it's never too early to 'beat the system'. Not only that, but the skin around your eyes is super sensitive, so using an eye cream is definitely beneficial. This one was pricey ($43.50) but judging by the amount I use every day, I know I'll have it for at least a year. Plus, it's tingly, and who doesn't love that?
2) This was kind of an impulse buy, but it's amazing. It's a shampoo bar, and I literally had to go on the Lush website to figure out how to use it. You pretty much use it like you would a bar of soap...except on your head. It smells like lemongrass and left my hair super soft and lightweight. I'm not sure how great it'll be for the color in my hair, but more on that as it develops. I love it so far! It was $11.95 and lasts 80-100 washes.
3) Lush's bath bomb in 'Sex Bomb' words. It turns your bath water PINK and it smells scrumptious. I believe this was $6.95. Such a little treat.
4) I actually tried the new version of Ocean Salt, because I've heard the regular one can be overdrying. I only tried a sample of the new version, which is a little more moisturizing, but I think I may go back and try the original. Also from Lush, it's made from sea salt, avacado, lime, coconut and vodka. You can try a sample for free from the store. If you love it, the 8 oz. is $35.95, but will last you quite awhile.
Happy Friday, friends! Enjoy your long weekend. XO
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