
Saturday, August 31, 2019

saying goodbye to summer & looking ahead to fall

As we near the end of August (!!!), my Instagram feed and email inbox have been filling up with fall fashion, decor, and edible goodness. It's still 95 degrees in my neck of the woods, as it will remain for a few more months, so adorable chunky sweaters and pumpkin spice creamer simply feels out of context for this native Floridian. I've always envisioned moving some place where the seasons change; where I can anticipate a dip in the temperature in the evenings, slip on a cream colored cardigan and booties for a Friday date night in September. Alas, September in my neck of the woods typically means a month of active hurricanes with mysterious paths, so I guess you could say it's different.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

the summer i spent planning a wedding

I'd like to say that I've been relishing in the slowness of summer, but that would be a lie. I haven't thrown a hamburger patty on the grill (or watched anyone else do it, for that matter) or spent a full day on the beach sans lightning bolts and downpours.

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