You are a product of your environment and the people with whom you surround yourself. Surround yourself with the people who make you happiest, or inspire you to work harder, or to simply "be better." From your group of friends, to the co-workers you gravitate toward, to the company to work for; I've found that these simple factors make such a difference in my overall wellbeing.
Don't lock the doors of opportunity. A few semesters ago, I was absolutely convinced that I did not want to work with the pediatric population after graduating. Nope, nope, nope - not for me. Then I completed my externship at the outpatient rehab center of a hospital (primarily with adults), and while I absolutely loved it, I found myself missing kiddos. In SLP grad programs, I feel like there's a lot of pressure to decide which population you want to work with; like a test of your personality, your clinical capability, what you can handle, etc. Point: don't force yourself into a little career box, especially if you don't need to be there.
This, too, shall pass. Sometimes, when I'm in a particularly stressful situation (like a bad serving shift), or I'm getting anxious about some kind of interview or meeting, I take an extra moment to myself and recite the following in my head: "Samantha, regardless of today's outcome, you will be cozy in your bed by the end of the night." Literally, that is it. Meaning: whatever feels like a big deal right now (even if it is a big deal), the stress of the situation will eventually pass. My Taco Tuesday shift from hell will soon come to a close, and so will your grueling semester, or your impossible project with your least favorite coworker, or whatever it is that is currently driving you bananas.