
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

unsolicited advice & helpful reminders for the week

You are a product of your environment and the people with whom you surround yourself. Surround yourself with the people who make you happiest, or inspire you to work harder, or to simply "be better." From your group of friends, to the co-workers you gravitate toward, to the company to work for; I've found that these simple factors make such a difference in my overall wellbeing.

Don't lock the doors of opportunity. A few semesters ago, I was absolutely convinced that I did not want to work with the pediatric population after graduating. Nope, nope, nope - not for me. Then I completed my externship at the outpatient rehab center of a hospital (primarily with adults), and while I absolutely loved it, I found myself missing kiddos. In SLP grad programs, I feel like there's a lot of pressure to decide which population you want to work with; like a test of your personality, your clinical capability, what you can handle, etc. Point: don't force yourself into a little career box, especially if you don't need to be there.

This, too, shall pass. Sometimes, when I'm in a particularly stressful situation (like a bad serving shift), or I'm getting anxious about some kind of interview or meeting, I take an extra moment to myself and recite the following in my head: "Samantha, regardless of today's outcome, you will be cozy in your bed by the end of the night." Literally, that is it. Meaning: whatever feels like a big deal right now (even if it is a big deal), the stress of the situation will eventually pass. My Taco Tuesday shift from hell will soon come to a close, and so will your grueling semester, or your impossible project with your least favorite coworker, or whatever it is that is currently driving you bananas.

Have any bits of quality advice you'd like to add? Let me know in the comments!


Friday, May 18, 2018

things i don't mind spending money on

Quality skin care. I figure this is the only face I'll have for the rest of my life, so I may as well take care of it. I've gotten a lot of samples from Sephora (and my sweet friend who buys literally every high end skin care brand known to women), so I've been dabbling in some good stuff lately. This Origins serum is everything I never knew I needed, and this Tatcha cleanser makes me feel some type of way. Also a plus: both of these companies are cruelty-free, which is a big win.

Killer denim. There's definitely something to be said about a pair of jeans or cut off shorts that just make you feel like a hot little tomale. I'm still on the lookout for this kind of magic, so any recommendations, send them my way.

Experiences. Concerts, festivals, events, classes, spa days, you name it. I've spent an absurd amount of money on tickets for concerts this year (I've already seen Lorde & Justin Timberlake, with plans to see Taylor Swift in August), but every dollar was 100% worth it.

Traveling. Plane tickets, gas money, rental cars, Air BnB's, you name it.  I'll never regret spending money on visiting new cities and old friends. When I traveled to Bulgaria last summer, it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I constantly feel pressured to buy buy buy (and it's safe to say I love to shop shop shop, sooo...), but I realized how little I truly need to be a happy, fully functioning, healthy human. That's a realization that simply pays for itself.

Craft cocktails. Just being honest: I'll happily drop $13 on a well made, specially crafted beverage...especially if it's made with pears and tequila (note: would not do this every day obvi, but #treatyoself).

What kinds of things are you willing to spend your cash on?


Monday, May 14, 2018

thinking about the future

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what I want my life to look like in the near future. With graduation looming, I'm beginning to feel the pressure to apply for my first job in the field. I'm constantly trying to figure out what that might look like and how my everyday routines will change, from my wake up call time to when I'll carve out reading time, gym sessions, and date nights.

Other things I've been pondering about for the future:

Traveling. Ever since getting back from North Carolina a couple of weeks ago, we've been chatting with Ryan's sister about making a trip over to visit her in Los Angeles following my graduation. During our trip to NC, we talked to our friends about doing an Appalachian Trail "sectional" hike for 3 days. I desperately want to go to Yosemite, get back to Europe, visit Australia. While all of that feels a bit overwhelming to think of now (especially when I just made a whopping $17 on my takeout shift last week...), making plans gives me alllll the good feels.

Buying a house. Not yet, and probably not for another year or two. I think about where we live now, in the center of everything; close to the bay, walking distance to shops and restaurants, smack in the middle (well, to the right) of the bar scene. Do we buy what we can afford here solely for the location? Venture to family-friendly suburbs? Swap counties and hop over the bridge to get closer to the beach? Build a house exactly how we want it in BFE?

Weddings and marriage and babies. For one, I'm going to be a maid of honor in my good friend's wedding coming up next year. Two, I live with my boyfriend of 4.5 years, so obviously we talk about getting married...and you should see the man hold a baby because it's plainly obvious that he is meant to be a dad. It's inevitable that these life changes will likely take place sometime following graduation (here's hoping for a few more years before having my own personal nugget baby), so naturally I've been thinking about them more often than usual.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

mid-week rambles

(Note: this post contains some affiliate links!)

Every time I visit the mountains, I think to myself: perhaps I'm really a mountain girl, after all. But then I come back home and hop over the bridge to the gulf and I totally rethink that statement.

I just got this one-piece in the mail today and it is fiiiiiire.

This one? Not so much. I just assumed reviewers were being a tad too conservative when they talked about how cheeky it was. Note: they were not. 

I got my first sunburn of the season, but only on one arm. Not entirely sure how that happened.

If you've been on my Instagram lately, you've probably seen me post about how my friend, Courtney, recently launched her own hand-made, organic bikini wash soap called Bikinis Over Everything. I'll be collaborating with her on a post soon, so look out for that!

My mom and I went back up to St. Augustine this past weekend to visit my grandparents, and we started listening to S-Town on the way there and back. I know I'm a little behind the times but...IT'S SO GOOD. I always forget how much I enjoy podcasts until I actually listen to them. Any other recs?

I got a spray tan two weeks ago and it's faded everywhere except my bikini line and my ankles. Why, body, why?

I just finished reading Forever Is The Worst Long Time by Camille Pagan and you absolutely must read it. Note: the Kindle version is free for Amazon Prime users!

I'm officially on my 12-day summer vacation and trying to make the most out of it while I can. To be honest, I have no idea what to do with all this free time. I've been trying to draft up some posts since my updates have been few and far between around these parts...but my well of inspiration has been feeling a tad dry (can't you tell by this random blurb of a post?).

How's everyone else been doing lately?

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