
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tell 'em that it's my birthday.

Another birthday has come and gone, and much like every other birthday, I don't feel any different. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said out loud "it doesn't even feel like my birthday" on six separate occasions the night of. I guess once you turn the big 21, all of your birthdays mesh into anniversaries of 21. Or is that just me?

In the card my boyfriend gifted me, he wrote, "you are now a year wiser." He was probably being fecisious (he also wrote that I would never be as wise as him, so I should stop trying), but I think what he said perfectly envelops what birthdays actually mean as you get older.

I made mistakes at 22. I triumphed at 22. I started a new relationship at 22. I traveled around Europe for three weeks. I started my first big girl job. I made a lot of big decisions and a lot of small decisions that eventually led to bigger changes in my life. 

Case in point, as you get older, you stop caring about presents and parties and you start caring more about what the last year taught you and what the future holds. 

So here's to 23! I have zero idea what's in store, but I guess that's half the fun. XO

Monday, June 23, 2014


Can I have a second to breathe, please?

June is flying by. Moving into my new place has come and gone, my birthday is in two days and my New York trip is at the end of this week. Between all that, I managed to make my month at work (for once), play kickball for the first time in more than 10 years, and celebrate my birthday a little early with some of my closest friends. Needless to say, I haven't had a spare second to stop and regroup.

Life has been hectic the last couple of months. And scary. It's all been a huge change. The last year has been a huge change, in nothing but good ways. I've had my ups and downs, but I can't say I remember the last time I felt genuinely unhappy. Things are so good, and I'm so fortunate.

Regular posts will be up and about this week. XO

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Shmonday.

Wait, how is it Monday? Ugh, work week, I'm SO over you and your weekly routines! 

The good news is that I have so much to look forward to! That's what's been keeping me going during the last few crazy weeks. I can't believe my birthday is only eight days away; New York follows two days after that. Honestly, I'm only excited for my birthday because my parents are taking Ryan & I to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. As I'm getting older, I care about birthdays less and less - I really just want to spend time with the people I love. And I want the people I love to feed me.

On another note, most of my shtuff is moved in at the new place. Except for 3/4 of my clothes and, you know, my bed. I feel like I'm living in three different places right now: my place, my parents' house, and Ryan's. Hopefully I'll be all situated by the end of this weekend! 

My room is nowhere near complete, but here's a little sneak preview thus far. I'm so excited for it to come together, but I feel like it's going to be a lawwwng process.

I can't wait to start doing a tour of the apartment series! Until then, this is all you get. Happy Monday, my bubbly friends. XO

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Go home, work week. You're drunk.

This week has left me completely and utterly zonked. My mind is spinning in a bazillion different directions, I have a thousand things on my to-do list, and yet my productivity level is at an all-time low. On top of all of the expenses, frustration, excitement, and necessities that come with moving, I'm in the midst of planning a trip to NYC, making my month at work and overall, just trying to get my shit together.

In conclusion, I'm declaring this week an official 'miss.' Did I try my best at work this week? Let's just say I've tried better. Was I proactive in terms of packing everything up for the move? Eh, not so much. Am I capable of performing better in all aspects of my life at the present time? Absolutely.

Unproductive days blow. Unproductive weeks are even worse. The trick is realizing when you're having a rough day, a rough week, even a rough month and knowing that you can and you will be better the following days, weeks, months. Getting caught up in the bullshit is easy - calling yourself on your own bullshit and making a commitment to work harder isn't always. XO


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Expectations Vs. Reality.

I'm less than two weeks away from turning 23. The two year anniversary of my 21st birthday, if you will. My early twenties. The time in my life that I should be able to relate to 257 different BuzzFeed articles about how to "make the best" of these years. 

To be honest, when I was a teenager, I imagined a life completely different than the one I lead now. 

Expectations: Living in a big city somewhere, trying to "make it big" in Hollywood or working for a magazine in New York, going on dates with a bunch of different guys, getting fancy drinks with friends every night. I wanted to be the 21 year old version of Lauren Conrad in The Hills, much like everyone else in 2006.

Reality: At 22, I'm living in a city only 30 minutes away from where I grew up. I graduated from college and continue to work in said city. I plan on staying in this city for awhile. I'm in a serious relationship. Sometimes I get fancy drinks with friends, but most of the time we just stick to one, and we definitely can't afford diamond martini glass charm bracelet trinkets for each other (Hills reference...c'mon, guys).

Want to know something? And I'm sure you've already figured it out at this point: 

I'm so, so happy that my reality is astronomically different than my expectations at 16 years old. 

I love living just a hop, skip and a jump away from my parents. I love the friendships I developed in college, and the friendships I continue to grow from high school. I love nights in with Ryan. I love [most days] my steady job. And I'm not just saying that to say it - I genuinely love my calm little life. Because it's mine, and because I love the people in it. 

So here's to entering my fourth year of my twenties with a job, great friends, great family, and my amazing-beyond-words boyfriend. Life could be one helluva lot worse. XO


Monday, June 9, 2014

It's today, it's today!

"The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things."

Although I won't be talking about cabbages and kings, or why the sea is boiling hot or whether pigs have wings.

I feel like lately all I've been talking about and thinking about is money. About investing money, budgeting money, spending money - ugh, the word is just annoying to even look at!

What the walrus is talking about is - shocker - moving out. We get the keys TODAY (errrmehgerrrd) and I will officially be moving in this weekend. What comes with moving out? Fees on fees on fees. $250 to turn on electric...what do you guys do, like flip a switch or something? Let's get real. And then of course, rent. Get ready to roll your eyes but I've never actually paid my own rent before. Ouch. Oh and I just dropped another hundo on wall paint and painting supplies...for a rental. Who am I?

On top of that, I'll soon be paying my gas, car insurance and grocery bills. STOP ROLLING YOUR EYES AT ME, I KNOW. I was very lucky growing up and my parents insisted on paying for necessities while I was going to college. But I've been out of college for a year and now I'm moving out of their house and it's great because I want to be independent and I want to be able to pay for everything on my own, but ooooof why did I decide to move out the same month I'm going to NYC?!

Well, at this point I'm kind of rambling, so I guess I'll put you all out of your misery and stop. But I'll tell you what: July is going to be one monetarily celibate month for me. So please refrain from asking me to go out to dinner, go out for drinks, go shopping, whatever...because I don't have the willpower to say no. XO 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A List of Happy, Pt. 2

Finally deciding on a couch after a month of unsuccessful hunting.
A fresh coat of OPI Charged Up Cherry nail polish.
The way Ryan's eyes light up during a playful conversation with me.
Maleficent. Good. So. Good.
Heart-to-hearts with my mom over a cup of hot tea.
Finding a new favorite song to overplay on my commute to work.
Approving commission checks.
The salt of a margarita rim.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer To-Do List.

It's officially June, a.k.a. my birth month. 23, here I come. Whoopdy doo, Bazzle.

More importantly, June is the official start of summer. I mean, living in Florida, it's pretty much been summer since March but I like to put a title on it. Prior to working in the corporate world, summer meant endless beach days, vacations and drinks on drinks on drinks. Now, summer means that I may get to the beach a weekend or two per month, for a day, for a couple hours. With work, it's easy to let the fun stuff fall to the wayside - whether it's an issue with timing or extra cash, excuses are inevitable.

Well, no more, I say! I'm putting together an official to-do list for the summer...and I will accomplish everything on this list by September. No excuses allowed!

  1. Float down Rainbow River! This is an absolute must, hence number one on the list.
  2. Visit Disney's water park, Blizzard Beach. I've gone almost every summer since I was nine years old. The best.
  3. Make homemade sangria for a poolside barbecue.
  4. Have a blast in New York City with Ryan. This one is a given.
  5. Take a bike ride some place cool. Either along Bayshore Boulevard, or along a trail somewhere.
  6. Embrace my new outdoor patio space. 
  7. Make a stronger effort to make plans with friends I haven't seen in awhile. Real plans. Sleepovers. You know, fun girly stuff.
That's all I've come up with so far. Number 7 is something near and dear to me, because I feel like I've kind of lost sight of making my own plans and sticking to them. And, you know, I miss my friends. With work and a boyfriend, life gets in the way, and it shouldn't. It shouldn't get in the way of summer fun, it shouldn't get in the way of quality time with my girlfriends, and it shouldn't be an excuse. XO

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