[Taken on campus yesterday morning at 7:15 a.m. Literally the only cool thing about getting to school so early...well, that and the abundance of parking spots].
loving | This semester so far! I know I'm only a week in, but I'm really excited about my supervisor, my clinic placement, and working with kids. I had my first preschool screening yesterday morning, and I have another one today.
reading | I'm hopping between Brooklyn and After You, and trying to get "hooked." Brooklyn is a different style of writing than I'm used to reading, and it's been a little bit slow to start. After You is the follow up to Jojo Moyes' Me Before You, so I'm sure it'll be an easy book to get wrapped up in once I dedicate more than ten concentrated minutes to reading it.
watching | The Mick...and you should stop everything you're doing and watch it right now. It's hilarious. Like, actually laugh out loud funny. If vulgar, relatively dark humor is your thing, definitely give it a shot (note: it has Kaitlin Olson from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!). Also in progress: How I Met Your Mother, Homeland, This Is Us, and Grey's Anatomy.
feeling | Sad that I'll be missing Gasparilla next weekend for the first time since 2013. Ryan's fam is throwing a big party with his dad's band down in Fort Myers (and his sister is coming into town from NY!), so we'll be heading down there in the middle of the pirate invasion. If you're unfamiliar, Gasparilla is basically Tampa's version of Mardi Gras, featuring thousands (literally THOUSANDS) of people dressed up as pirates, day drinking, throwing around cheap beads and having a sloppy good time. It's a mess, but it's fun! Still, I'm excited for Ryan's parents' party, and even more excited to see his sister!
listening | Fresh Eyes by Andy Grammer (same guy who did Honey, I'm Good!). For some reason, I've really taken to this song, and it's been on repeat this week. Also getting into Ed Sheeran's new song, Shape of You. Oh, and as always, Ryan's sister's song Pushing You Away by Freda James. She has almost 100,000 listens on Spotify...so crazy!
wishing | For sanity this semester. I'm really trying to embrace the "calm before the storm," if you will, because I know it's about to get real overwhelming real quick.
working on | Maintaining my work out schedule, drinking more water, and making more meals at home. So far, so good! Except for brunch last weekend...twice. #balance
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