Planning vacations. Despite my two summer classes plus specialty clinic starting up next week, I’m making as much time for travel as I possibly can this summer. I’ll be visiting my sister in Bulgaria at the end of July, with hopes to take a road trip down to camp on a Grecian beach for a couple of days. COLOR ME STOKED, GUYS. Ryan wasn’t able to book the trip with me because of work, so we plan on taking a little 3 day vacation at some point this summer. Right now we’re between Palm Beach and Key West. I’m in serious need of some travel!
Buying all the things. With graduation season happening this month, the restaurant I work at has been slammed, and I’ve been taking advantage by picking up all the shifts I can. The result? I already have all my bills paid for this month, I’ve put a decent amount into my savings, and it’s finally time to “splurge” on all the things I haven’t let myself buy all semester. New sandals, bikinis, wardrobe additions…stuff I usually say no to, I’m letting myself say yes (within reason, of course).
Relaxing. As in wearing all the comfy clothes all the time, allowing myself to indulge in some Netflix binge sessions, and taking a bit of extra time before “starting the day” every morning. I'm making extra time to lay by the pool, to get brunch with friends, and to get lost in a book or two. I have a feeling that next semester is going to royally kick me in the butt, so I have zero problems with letting myself be lazy this week.
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