- you can't please everyone, and that's okay. never let the fear of not being well-liked keep you from being your true, authentic self.
- this, too, shall pass. not the first time i've learned this lesson, but i'm not above needing a reminder. this semester has been difficult in so many ways, but it's nearly over, and i'm pushing through.
- i used to think i hated running, but now i realized that i actually just hated running in nikes. we're training for the turkey trot on thanksgiving, and even though it's just a 5k, i'd be pretty pumped if i could get my time to around 30-32 minutes!
- seasonal weather makes my heart swoon. i love warmth with a side of watermelon margaritas in june, but i honestly think i become a better version of myself when the temperature drops into the 50s and 60s in october.
- "treating myself" doesn't have to mean picking up a bottle of prosecco on the way home from a hellacious day (although it doesn't hurt...). "splurging" on gel manicures every few weeks can get the job done, instead.
- holiday seasons are the bomb dot com. oh wait, i've always known that.
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