
Thursday, May 3, 2018

mid-week rambles

(Note: this post contains some affiliate links!)

Every time I visit the mountains, I think to myself: perhaps I'm really a mountain girl, after all. But then I come back home and hop over the bridge to the gulf and I totally rethink that statement.

I just got this one-piece in the mail today and it is fiiiiiire.

This one? Not so much. I just assumed reviewers were being a tad too conservative when they talked about how cheeky it was. Note: they were not. 

I got my first sunburn of the season, but only on one arm. Not entirely sure how that happened.

If you've been on my Instagram lately, you've probably seen me post about how my friend, Courtney, recently launched her own hand-made, organic bikini wash soap called Bikinis Over Everything. I'll be collaborating with her on a post soon, so look out for that!

My mom and I went back up to St. Augustine this past weekend to visit my grandparents, and we started listening to S-Town on the way there and back. I know I'm a little behind the times but...IT'S SO GOOD. I always forget how much I enjoy podcasts until I actually listen to them. Any other recs?

I got a spray tan two weeks ago and it's faded everywhere except my bikini line and my ankles. Why, body, why?

I just finished reading Forever Is The Worst Long Time by Camille Pagan and you absolutely must read it. Note: the Kindle version is free for Amazon Prime users!

I'm officially on my 12-day summer vacation and trying to make the most out of it while I can. To be honest, I have no idea what to do with all this free time. I've been trying to draft up some posts since my updates have been few and far between around these parts...but my well of inspiration has been feeling a tad dry (can't you tell by this random blurb of a post?).

How's everyone else been doing lately?


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