I finally caught up on Pretty Little Liars! While I wasn't necessarily shocked at who A was, I really liked how they brought it all together. I'm interested to see how the rest of the season pans out as "five years forward." Ryan and I also finished Making A Murderer this last week, and I have no idea how to feel! Next up? I'm trying to get into Game of Thrones, but I have yet to make it past the first episode.
You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome life by Jen Sincero. Ryan's sister gave this book to me for Christmas, and so far I am really liking it. It's a bit of a wakeup call for my inner negative Nancy. Oh, and I've been reading my textbooks.......obviously.
Similar to my last "currently" post, I am indeed sick. First cold of 2016, what's up?! I skipped class and cancelled my volunteer hours today, and managed to get a whole lot of nothing done as far as school work goes.
My new iPhone 6s Plus! It was awkward getting used to how big it was at first, but all the other iPhones feel like chicken nuggets compared to this baby. I'm never going back! NEVER.
Pumped about...
Gasparilla 2016! For anyone who isn't familiar, Gasparilla is basically Tampa's version of Mardi Gras. Thousands upon thousands of people dress up as pirates and line up along Tampa's iconic Bayshore Boulevard and try to catch cheap strands of beads from parade floats...all awhile intoxicated. Well, you don't have to be, but it makes dealing with all the crazy people a little easier. I haven't always loved Gaspy, but I've found that it's all about who you go with. This will be me and Ryan's third parade together...time fliiiies.
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