Oddly enough, I'm actually thrilled to say goodbye to the holiday season. When October hits each year, I think to myself, "the best time of the year! pumpkins! halloween! ghouls!" Then November comes along, and I think to myself, "the best time of year! a great, big feast! thankfulness! friendsgiving!" Then December rolls around and I'm like "the best time of year! christmas, hanukkah, pretty trees, gift exchanges, all the treats!" By the end of that three month span, I am down for the count.
Taylor over at The Daily Tay explained it perfectly: December (or for me, the holidays in general) are like having your favorite friend come to stay with you for awhile. You go out, eat and drink all the things, participate in lots of hoopla, and it feels so great at the start...but by the end of the month, you're ready for them to GTFO. And they eventually do, and then you get a fresh start - January.
I normally don't care much for January, but this year, I've opened it with welcome arms because (obviously) it is the start of 2018 - my graduation year. Approximately 213 days from today, I will be walking across the stage with a little piece of paper that says "Master of Science." I'll finally be applying for my clinical fellowship year (aka my first job) after more than three years of working toward this career that I didn't even know existed when I was in college the first time around.
In so many ways, I am ready for that. I'm ready to be done with hospitality, ready to start making money again, ready to have a job with regular hours, etc. On the opposite end, I'd like to stay in school forever because when I graduate, I kind of have to know what I'm doing. YIKES.
I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, right?
So there's all of that. 2018 is going to be a big, life-changing year for me solely for that reason. But like anyone else, I'm also projecting a few goals/hopes/resolutions for this year:
+ Graduate with a 3.8+ GPA.
+ Find my first job as an SLP.
+ Read 25 books.
+ Lose a few pounds/just feel better in general about how I look.
+ Redesign my blog & crank out better content (whatever that means).
+ Start writing in my journal more than once a month.
+ Pick up or restart an old hobby just for the sake of doing it.
+ Buy only what I absolutely love (this goes for clothing, home decor, etc.)
+ Make the time & save money for traveling.
+ Drink more water (maybe one year, this resolution will stick!)
Some of these goals require additional planning to be successful, but truthfully, I think sometimes I do a little too much planning and not enough doing. Like instead of planning out times to read or paint or write a blog post, I should just stop scrolling Instagram and do it. You know? I'd like to work on changing that this year, too.
What are your plans for 2018?
Photo by Uroš Jovičić on Unsplash
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