
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's hump DAY!

Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week (well...Saturdays are actually my favorite day, let's get real). Not only is the week halfway over, but Wednesday nights are my week day sleepover nights with this handsome fella.

We both work pretty stressful (and awesome) full time jobs, so it's so great to be able to have a night together in the middle of the week as a little pick-me-up. Sometimes we go to the gym together (...sometimes) but most nights I'll find us a recipe on Pinterest and we'll whip up dinner together and give into our current guilty pleasure, aka Real World. And that ends tomorrow, so our Wednesday night slot is up for grabs! Maybe I'll finally get him hooked on Orange is the New Black...

He's my hump day treat every day of the week, but Wednesdays are extra awesome because of him.


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