
Monday, May 19, 2014

So much to make it better this Monday!

Another weekend has come and gone and while I thought I was mentally prepared for work this week, this particular Monday is giving me second thoughts. At least I had a great weekend (see above picture of a mimosa...need I say more?), so I can't be too down today. Plus, I have loads of things to look forward to this week to "make it better." Ya know? 

  1. Zumba tonight! I had to skip it last week, so I'm excited to shake it tonight. I'm really going to miss going every Monday night when I move. My instructor really is the bomb dot com; other Zumba classes don't even compare. Trust me, I've tried.
  2. I'm taking my mom to get pedicures tomorrow night as a late Mother's Day gift. I think I need to start making professional pedicures a biweekly expense. I wear heels to work almost every day and it's taking a toll on my poor leetle feet. 
  3. I'm going to my second Rays game of the year with my dad Wednesday night. It's his office's game night out, and he gets excited to show me off. He's such a fruit loop. I love me some baseball, so I'm pumped!
  4. This weekend, Ryan and I and a couple of our friends are heading down to Venice Beach for a beer festival. Initially I was a little disappointed about missing a margarita festival in our own city, but I got over that in about two minutes. I'm so excited to spend Memorial Day weekend out at the beach with some really great people.
Toooo much to look forward to this week, and Monday's already almost over! Crossing my fingers for a speedy week, lots of sales, and another sigh of relief come Friday afternoon. XO


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