In case you're new around here, I snagged this idea from one of my favorite blogs, The Daily Tay. If you're extra interested in my past currentlys (lolz) you can check in here and here.
Listening to: Someone Else by Miley Cyrus. After her Grammy nom, I tried to re-listen to Bangerz to see if there was something I maybe missed about this album, aside from lame lyrics and off beats. Aside from Wrecking Ball and Maybe You're Right, this was pretty much the only song that stood out to me. But it's been on repeat!
Learning: About all things blogging! If you follow me on Pinterest, you probably noticed I've been pinning away on to my BLOG board. For me, my blog is just a place to post my thoughts, ideas, experiences, advice, etc. I can't even imagine turning it into a job the way a lot of my favorite bloggers have...but if I could, let's get real, that'd be the bomb dot com. If I'm being honest, at the end of the day, I just want my readers to get excited about checking my blog in the mornings. But hey, I may as well learn up! I love feeling passionate about something.
Buying: A Nikon D7000! I bit the bullet and took advantage of Best Buy's President's Day sales, and managed to get the camera body, an 18-140 mm lens, camera case and memory card at an unreal discount. Am I a real blogger now, or what? I also snuck into good ol' Abercrombie and Fitch and bought this sequin cardigan. I've been looking for one for what feels like forever, and this was the closest thing I've found to perfection thus far. And it was on sale. Boom.
Watching: Don't make me say it. I'm really embarrassed right now. I've been watching Dance Moms. I don't know how, and I don't know why. To be honest, I'm losing interest already but there's just something about it that has had me hooked for the last three episodes. You can go ahead and unfollow me now...I understand.
Enjoying: Godiva chocolates and roses from my favorite Valentine. Ryan and I went to a wedding Valentine's Day night, but I woke up to goodies on the counter and he took me to another Tampa favorite, Lodge, for brunch. Clearly, he's a man who knows the way to my heart. Mimosas and banana french toast? Yes. Yes, please.

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