24, I love you already.
Shortly after composing my last blog post regarding all the lessons I learned at 23, my boyfriend picked me up to embark on our trip to Orlando with a brand new cooler of margarita mixings in tow. If you know me personally, you know this was probably the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Extra brownie points: check.
We arrived to the hotel in record time and immediately got to sipping homemade birthday eve margs. From there, I was treated to Yard House (Tampa needs one...real bad) where we hit it off with our server so well, we invited him for drinks with us across the street after he got out of work. We only hung out with him for about an hour, but how cool is it to make friends on a mini vacay?
Ryan didn't believe that I was actually going to wake up at 7:30 the next morning after a night of drinking. Clearly he still has a thing or two to learn about me, because I don't mess around when it comes to Blizzard Beach. Sure enough, I was up and at 'em bright and early. We got to the park just 30 minutes after they opened and got to the best slides with next to no wait. Our tickets were good for Typhoon Lagoon as well (another water park on the Disney grounds), so we headed there halfway through the day. I've been to Blizzard Beach close to a dozen times in my life, but never to Typhoon Lagoon, so that was a sweet little surprise.
What isn't surprising, however, is how much my feet are killing me this morning. It hurts to walk. It hurts to drive. It hurts to everything. But it was all so worth it, as I had easily one of the best birthday celebrations I've ever had.
24 already has a lot going on. I'm taking the GRE in a few weeks, going to my first bachelorette party, being a bridesmaid in my roommate's wedding, moving in with my boyfriend, starting school again...seriously, SO much going on. I can already tell time is going to fly by and 25 will be here before I know it. But until then, I'm going to make the most of these next 364 days.
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